Private Limited Company Registration
Private Limited Company Registration is ideal for enterprises that require private business entities. To safeguard their own assets, a group of shareholders divides the liabilities on themselves in this form of business. Holdings in such a firm cannot be exchanged or distributed publicly.
One Person Company Registration
A single individual must be designated as a director in one person company registration. In other words, the single individual will be the director as well as a member or shareholder. It is similar to a sole proprietorship. However, A shareholder’s liabilities and responsibilities in one person company registration.
Partnership Firm Registration
In a partnership, business activities are coordinated by two or more partners who already have determined their role and profit-sharing.In partnership firm registration, the tasks, obligations, responsibilities, and amount of shares owned are all expressly outlined.
Proprietorship Registration
When a business is owned and governed by one person, it is called a sole proprietorship company.Proprietorship firm registration is a company registration in which the business is managed by a single person. The firm and its operator are treated as a single entity.
Nidhi Company Registration
Nidhi Company is a type of Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC). It is formed to borrow and lend money to its members. It inculcates the habit of saving among its members and works on the principle of mutual benefit. Minimum of seven members is required to start a Nidhi Company out of which three members must be the directors of the company.
Section 8 Company Registration
These companies are most commonly known as NGOs or Non-Profit Organizations that actively participate in charity works. The major aim of these companies is to encourage arts, science, education, safeguard the environment, and help the needy.
Trust Registration
Trust is an obligation annexed to the ownership of property, and arising out of a confidence reposed in and accepted by the owner, or declared and accepted by him, for the benefit of another, or of another and the owner.
Society Registration
A Society is an institution of several individuals with common interests collectively acting together to serve some function. Usually, Societies are usually registered for the advancement of charitable activities like sports, music, culture, religion, art, education, etc.